Five Principles for Videris

Ethics and integrity are central to our culture as a company and to the culture of our customers. We are proud of the powerful tools we have created, the customers we supply and the contribution Videris is making to tackling societal challenges.

Working with open source information can create challenges for investigators. To support our users in their quest to ensure high ethical and legal standards in their work, we apply five key and practical principles to the design and capabilities of Videris. These drive how we build and deploy the software, the services we offer, such as training, and our contractual relationships with our customers.

Public information only

Videris can only be used to research publicly available (‘open source’) and/or publicly licensable information. It will not gather non-public information, nor will it interact or engage in any way with a third party, including investigative subjects.


Focused data collection

Videris will only collect targeted information directly related and proportionate to the matter at hand. Videris will not collect bulk or non-targeted data. Videris will help the analyst maximise the accuracy and relevance of collected information.

Human judgment

Videris provides decision support to a human investigator. Data is collected on the instruction of an analyst, not of an algorithm. Videris does not take investigative decisions.



Using a variety of tools, Videris enables legal and policy compliance - and scrutiny of these - to support consistency, auditability and accountability.


Responsible customers

Our customers have legitimate use-cases, often required by law or by a regulator. 
