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Discover how OSINT can improve your screening & investigations

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Rapidly Assess Suspicious Activity


Quickly gather insights about a person or organisation using live open source data and curated databases. Assess suspicious activity and triage cases at speed to accurately identify only real risks.


Conduct In-Depth Analysis

Make better informed decisions with higher-quality data sets. Gather your research, analysis and insights into one platform.

Trusted by organisations worldwide


Intuitive Software That Enhances Any Workflow

Anti-Money Laundering

Integrate an OSINT platform with your transaction monitoring system to elevate transaction monitoring alert prioritisation. 

Efficient Investigations

Produce visual representations of corporate structures in just a few clicks.

Enhanced Due Diligence

Ensure that all available data sources are used to provide full context on a person or business.


Cross-reference international sources to see how and where terrorist networks are operating.

Corporate Security

Gain transparency over your partners and suppliers, so you can make informed decisions to protect your organisation.

See what OSINT Could Do for You


More efficient than manual processes. Users able to do 5X more work with Videris.


Increase in investigation output experienced by Videris users.


Days of work that Videris users are now able to do in 1 day.

What Our Clients Say

Bloom accreditation