Webinar: Understanding and Preventing Wildlife Trafficking with OSINT

Wildlife trafficking crimes are damaging to everyone. They disrupt fragile ecosystems, spread diseases and will eventually lead to the extinction of some species. What’s more, the individuals behind wildlife trafficking are often using it to support further criminal activity – such as drug trafficking, people trafficking or even terrorism.

For stretched law enforcement teams with limited resources, tackling the criminal networks behind these crimes can seem unrealistic. But through coordination and collaboration between the private sector, NGOs, and law enforcement , enabled by OSINT tools and techniques, fighting these networks is possible.

By watching this webinar, you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • Hear leading wildlife crime expert Patricia Raxter (United for Wildlife) discuss her experiences, from types of trafficking to best practices implementing OSINT.
  • Find out which data sources and analysis techniques are most effective when identifying and understanding the networks behind wildlife trafficking.
  • See how new technologies can support advanced network visualisation and more efficient data analysis needed for fast, effective action against wildlife crime.

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