Our Partnerships

We’re proud to work with some great data partners.
Find out more about them here.

Moody's Logo for upload

Moody's Orbis

The most powerful data on private companies.

Moody’s Orbis for Compliance is the world’s most powerful comparable data resource on private companies. Get information on more than 448+ million entities worldwide, 40 million with detailed financial information to understand risk and make decisions with confidence.

More about Moody's Orbis

Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet, a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, enables companies around the world to improve their business performance. Combined with Videris, it's easy to understand corporate networks and associated risks quickly.

More about Dun & Bradstreet
LSEG world check

LSEG World-Check One

LSEG World-Check One (formerly Refinitiv) is a comprehensive database of individuals with criminal, sanctioned or political connections. Combined with Videris it allows analysts to easily identify risk associated with their research targets.

More about LSEG World-Check One
Dow Jones Factiva

Dow Jones Factiva

Dow Jones Factiva provides premium news content. Combined with Videris’ advanced analytics it’s simple to find media coverage about targets and be sure that you haven’t missed any associated risk.

More about Dow Jones Factiva
shadowdragon logo for website


ShadowDragon’s SocialNet API captures criminals’ online activities and publicly available social networking, maps against their aliases, and explores their connections in near real time to expedite investigations and threat analysis.

More about ShadowDragon
web iq


The Web-IQ dark web API unlocks a wealth of information from across the dark web. Combined with Videris, it allows investigators to access dark web data securely, improving efficiency and effectiveness for investigators researching serious crime, financial crime and more.

More about Web-IQ
Open Sanctions

Open Sanctions

Open Sanctions is an international database of persons and companies of political, criminal, or economic interest. Combined with Videris, it enables investigators to build a complete picture of sanctioned entities, including those who may be sanctioned by extension or involved in concealing assets. 

More about Open Sanctions

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